
How to add post ratings for WordPress : star rating plugin wordpress

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Do you want to emphasize post ratings i.e. WordPress user reviews rating function in your WordPress site? As such, there are several WordPress post rating plugins available for post ratings in WordPress. But in this post, we will teach you to configure the post ratings by WP- PostRatings a star rating plugin WordPress is produced by Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan.

Configure post ratings in the WordPress site

To set up WP post rating first, you need to install and activate the WP-PostRatings Plugin in your WordPress site.

After activating the WP post rating plugin, it will add a new menu item named ‘ Ratings ‘ to your WordPress admin area.

We will skip the “Managed Ratings” option, and click on “Rating Options” to set up the WordPress star rating.

Here first you have to choose the style of wp post rating which ratings you want to use for your post. This plugin comes with a lot of rating style.

Once you have chosen your choice of wp rating, you can also set “Max Ratings” . The plugin will choose an appropriate value for you.

If you edit Max Ratings, you will also have to edit Individual Rating Text / Value. If you do not change the default Max Rating value, leave the individual ratings also by default.

After this, you will see options for Ajax Style, Rating Permission, and Logging Method.

After this, click on the Save changes button to store your setting.

Now let’s go to the ” Ratings Templates ” page. On this page, you will see different rating templates and how you want to set up them. We have left them the default, but you can modify them if you want.

Once you set up the “Ratings Templates” page, you will need to emphasize the below code in your theme file (archives.php, page.php, index.php, single.php, loop.php, etc).

Now it will add post ratings on all your posts. If you want to use it only on selective posts, then you only need to emphasize the short codes on the post or page on which you want to display the rating.

Now your users will vote on your post. To view and manage your post ratings, you can go to the “Manage Ratings” page which we had skipped initially. This allows you to see the rating log on each post, and remove it if you think something is going wrong.

Through this plugin you can show High Rated Posts, Most Rated Posts, Lowest Rating posts, etc. So this WordPress post rating plugin allows you to use widgets to display them. Just go to Appearance >> Widgets and select Rating widget and drag it to the appropriate location and set the settings as you wish.

After dragging the Rating widget, first of all, you have to choose the title of your widget. After this, there are many options in the Statistic Type field that allow you to show posts with the Highest Rated, Most Rated, Lowest Rating, and Highest Rating. In the next option you can include both your posts and pages or anyone in the rating widget. This widget displays 10 rated posts by default, but you can also edit and change it. There are many other settings in it, which can be configured according to their wish.

That’s all in this “star rating plugin WordPress” article….

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WordPress Multi Lingual Plugin Support
Vijay Lathiya, the CEO and founder of Lathiya Solutions, is a passionate WordPress specialist dedicated to delivering innovative web solutions. With years of experience, he helps businesses build a strong online presence through custom websites that drive success.

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