If your online store based on the WooCommerce platform than it is a chance to you that you have to become an online international WooCommerce seller. To be successful with international online buyers, you must invest some effort in WooCommerce Development translation and localization. This involves components, such as language, shipping, currencies and so on.
Here we discuss translating WooCommerce technology.
WooCommerce is a localization-ready platform. This is great things to attract international online buyers, you need to translate your website, but also take care of other aspects of localization.
WooCommerce default language is English. If you want to see your shop in a different language then download the translated version of the plugin from WordPress.org
To set up WordPress in your language, go to Dashboard > Settings > General and change the Site language. It will display on shop.
Downloading translations for WooCommerce:
1. Go to https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/woocommerce and look for your language in the list.
2. Search the language in the list which you want in your site.
3. Click the title to be taken to the section for that language.
4. Click the heading under Set/Sub Project to view and download a Stable version.
5. Scroll to the bottom for export options. Export a .mo file for use on your site.
6. Rename this file to woocommerce-YOURLANG.mo (e.g., Great French(France) should be fr_FR).
7. Upload to your site under wp-content/languages/woocommerce/. Once uploaded, this translation file may be used.
Note: If your translation is not working then make sure you can add below line of code in your wp-config.php file. If you didn’t add it, then please add it on your wp-config.php file.
define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR'); // Use your language code instead of fr_FR
8. Your translation is complete. View your cart page you can see translation language.
I hope this post is helpful for you. If you have any query than contact our WooCommerce Developers at Lathiya Solutions Surat, they are ready to help you.