
How to Speed Up WordPress Site to 97% PageSpeed Score?

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How to increase website page speed WordPress to 97% Score? So today I am going to tell you how to increase the Page Speed of your WordPress Site? (How To Speed ​​Up WordPress Site ?) How to make your website super fast?

If you are the owner of a website or you have a blog! So you must know how much it means for us to improve WordPress Site Load Time! So it is also very important to provide better facilities for our users!

Hello friends,  If you are also a blogger then it is very important for you to know how to speed up your website speed? If you want to reduce your website loading time then this post is for you!

Beginner Guide For website page speed?

By the way, a good hosting [4] and a good theme is necessary and how to increase website speed WordPress? But I am not going to do these things at all in this post, that you take a good hosting or use a good theme!

Today we will know how to fix the errors that come on Website Speed ​​Test Tools! Using a few simple codes, we can speed up through our WordPress Website Development  Company Speed ​​to a great extent!

You know very well that the speed of opening of our website is also necessary for SEO! Because of the low loading speed of the website increases the ranking in the search result! If you also want to high your ranking, then it would be better if you increase the speed of your website!

I have also speeded up my WordPress website up to 97% in the same manner!

So like you too, increase the speed of your website to 97% Page Speed ​​Score! So that your visitors do not take much time to open your website! And your ranking should also be high!

I am going to share my Technique with you here! So let’s know those 5 ways ( 5 Ways To Speed ​​Up WordPress Site ) step-by-step! And at the same time, they also know which Errors they come and how they can be fixed! And how to make the website super fast?

Website Speed Test Tool

If someone asks me which website Speed ​​Test Tool is better? So my answer would be GTmetrix [↑]! Because every error is shown here in detail! And they are also told how to fix it!

Therefore, first of all, test your website speed! And then see what improvements are told to do! If I have any of the errors mentioned, then you can easily fix it!

1. Leverage browser caching

Let us first know what is Leverage Browser Caching? It saves your website files for some time (according to your chosen time). So that during that period, if a user opens your website again, then the loading time will be less!

Leverage Browser Caching – Speed Up WordPress Site
Leverage Browser Caching should be at least 60% according to GTmetrix! If you are showing less than this, then you need to improve it!

So you have to edit your .htaccess file [↑] and add some codes! If you use Yoast SEO, then you can edit the .htaccess file by going to SEO> Tools> File editor!

# Enable expirations
ExpiresActive On
# Default directive
ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 month”
# My favicon
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access plus 1 year”
# Images
ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 1 month”
# Javascript
ExpiresByType application/javascript “access plus 1 year”

First of all you copy the code given above! Then edit your .htaccess file and paste it at the bottom!

Note: This Code controls two things! Like you can use it for both Leverage Browser Caching and Add Expires Headers!

2. Defer parsing of JavaScript

When the website opens, it gathers some resources! And from the same resources also comes JavaScript of the Theme! Sometimes due to lack of good coding in the website theme, JavaScript body tag gets implemented!

Which blocks Page Rendering! Because of which the Page Loading Time increases! So it is done bypass (Parse) with the help of code!

Defer parsing of JavaScript – Speed Up WordPress Site
To fix this problem, some code has to be added to your Theme’s function.php file!

function defer_parsing_of_js ( $url ) {
if ( FALSE === strpos( $url, '.js' ) ) return $url;
if ( strpos( $url, 'jquery.js' ) ) return $url;
return "$url' defer ";
add_filter( 'clean_url', 'defer_parsing_of_js', 11, 1 );

After copying this code, you go to Appearance> Editor of your WordPress Dashboard and select Theme Function and paste the code at the bottom of the function.php!

Note: There is nothing wrong with the coding of your Parent Theme, so it would be better that you always use the Child Theme!

3. Remove query strings from static resources

A lot of Proxy, especially the new version 3.0, do not cache files like this which have “?” Especially, in this Cache Plugin, we add the Sitemap to the string to avoid placing it in the Cache!

But it’s only better for Sitemap! Otherwise, it takes time to load all files again and again! That is why the speed of the website decreases!

Remove query strings from static resources
Its level should be at least 88%, then it is better! If this problem is visible in your website, then fix it this way!

function _remove_script_version( $src ){
$parts = explode( '?ver', $src );
return $parts[0];
add_filter( 'script_loader_src', '_remove_script_version', 15, 1 );

Open your WordPress Dashboard to fix it! Then go to Appearance> Editor and select Theme Function! Then paste the given code at the bottom of the function.php !

4. Configure entity tags (ETags)

It can be called a type of Mechanism Web Server and Browser! If asked to rotate, it determines whether the Cache stored in your browser matches with your current or original server.

This problem often comes when you shift your hosting to another server! For example, even after deleting the CDN, you encounter such a problem!

Configure entity tags (ETags) – Speed Up WordPress Site
If this kind of problem is seen on your website too, then there is no problem, we are there to fix your problem! Today we are knowing how to double the speed of your website ( How To how to increase website page speed WordPress by Fixing Errors Without CDN? ).

To solve this problem, once again the .htaccess file has to be edited! And the given code has to be added to it!

FileETag none

Copy this line once again! And paste it at the bottom of the .htaccess file! After this, your problem will also go away!

5. Minify CSS

Most are WordPress Themes whose Coding is not clean and properly optimized! And especially CSS Delivery would not have been optimally optimized! As a result, the size of the website increases and the loading time also increases.

I have seen CSS being written in many themes as if it is a story! OMG, the writer should know that CSS is not a story in which to write except the line!
Minify CSS – Speed Up WordPress Site

Let me tell you that the CSS Optimization score should be at least 95%! If CSS is not optimized in your Theme too, then you can do it by yourself!

No problem if you do not know this! There are some tools with which you can do this easily! For this, you have to follow the steps below!

Copy any link that is showing the result of your website here!

Then go to this link to optimize or minimize CSS! Then paste the copied link in the empty box! Here you will see the checkbox of JS and CSS! From which you have to tick the CSS and click on the button of MINIFY!

Now in that box, you will find a code that is minimized, which you have to go to File Manager of your CPanel and upload it in Target Path! Follow the same procedure to optimize all the problems that are visible!

Bonus Tips:

Apart from all these, there are other things that help in doing a Speed ​​Up WordPress Site! Like you can use CDN Service! You can optimize the images used on your website! All these are very helpful in increasing the speed of the website!

Last Word (Conclusion):

There are many people who use different types of plugins to increase the speed of their website! But do you know that these plugins reduce the speed rather than increase it!

That’s why I think you should optimize your website manually rather than using plugins! And today we have learned practically How to increase website Page speed WordPress!

So tell us how you liked this information!

If you look for this information to be of working Like and Share do not forget it! So that we are encouraged to share the same kind of people with you in the future too!

Keep learning as much as you can and do not ever take part in this learning race!

This website will be useful for you only when you press Ctrl + D and save it in your Browser’s Bookmarks now! Do it now!
See you again with new information – Happy Moment…

About Author

WordPress Multi Lingual Plugin Support
Vijay Lathiya, the CEO and founder of Lathiya Solutions, is a passionate WordPress specialist dedicated to delivering innovative web solutions. With years of experience, he helps businesses build a strong online presence through custom websites that drive success.

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